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Ben Turk

Founder & CEO

I want you to learn from my experience.  Sometimes, you really do have to fall on your face in order to have that "a-ha!" moment.


In short, I used to be a mess, financially.  I dug myself out of the gutter, studied up on all the financial advice I could find, got my financial life together, and now I'm bringing what I've learned to you.

Why should you listen to me?  Well, let's just say that I don't lose sleep over financial matters.  I sleep like a baby.  Not only that, but when I think about my finances, that warm, fuzzy feeling washes over me.  Because I know that I'm OK, and I'm going to be OK far into the future.  I've earned that freedom for myself.


Do you have that feeling?  I want to give it to you.  That's my gift to the world.

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